Friday, November 12, 2010

Just a Few More Days

My appointment this morning revealed that my follicles aren't quite ready yet. I am to stay on my stims for 2 more days. On Sunday night I take the last shot, a trigger shot, that will cause the eggs to mature. On Tuesday I will have the eggs retrieved. They are measuring 10 follicles so hopefully I will have at least 10 eggs. My estrogen levels are doubling every 2 days which is very good. My estrogen isn't as high as it was in January but I am growing less eggs this time. You can certainly tell that I am nearly a year older.

I was upset because I found out that the clinic is closed on Sundays. If I were to have a 5 day transfer like we did in January, it would be on Sunday. That means I have to either transfer on day 3 or 4. Day 3 embryos should be 8 cells and day 4 embryos begin compacting and are called morulas. Morulas are hard to grade because they are just a tight ball of cells, you can't really see the individual cells any longer. Grading is important because it lets you pick the best of the best. I have decided that since we will have fewer embryos this time it may not matter as much. I was also told that women of advanced maternal age often do well with transfers earlier than 5 days. Bottom line is I have no control over it and I have to trust the doctors and go with the flow.

This cycle has certainly been tougher than the one in January. I am cranky every day. My ovaries feel like tennis balls in my groin. I feel them every minute of every day. I am so ready to get the eggs out but I still have 3 more days.

I just have to keep my chin up and keep going. If we get a baby out of this I will never look back and it will all be forgotten. Hopefully this isn't all for nothing.


  1. I think you'll remember that you went the extra mile (to say the least!) just to HAVE your baby!

    If you don't mind, why did you choose NY? My sister lived in AR and chose to travel to Tulsa for one of the best fertility clinics in the country. Conveniently, AR law says insurance has to cover fertility treatment, or at least this is what she told me.

  2. Jorje, our insurance doesn't cover fertility. Tulsa may be good for her age group but their stats are not so good for the over 40's. In Oklahoma one IVF cycle is $12,000-$14,000 plus meds. In NY we paid $6,000 for 2 cycles. Even with hotel we have saved a lot of money plus this clinic, while not the best in the over 40 group, is still better thank Oklahoma.
