Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Roller Coaster Ride

I now see what they mean about IVF being a roller coaster ride. At first my appointment went well, the ultrasound showed 6 to 8 follicles on each ovary. She said they were still a little small so we are likely a week out from retrieval, pushed backed one day. She measured 4 follicles with the largest being about 12mm. Many of the others are right behind. Then we talked about my estrogen levels. She said they are a little low and that I should increase my meds unless the bloodwork today showed improvement. I was a little upset but tried to focus on having so many follicles.

We ate lunch and headed back to the room. My cell phone rang and it was the clinic. My estrogen rose nicely the nurse said. I should not increase my meds. Wonderful news!

1 comment:

  1. Great news just always wait till the end of the day know it's hard so you get an extra day to freeze in NY lol
